Moreover, the source suggests that Bartz likely violated that clause with some of her statements to fortune. 此外,该消息人士认为,因为巴茨对《财富》的一些言论,她极有可能已经违约。
A source close to the company tells us that Bartz did indeed have a non-disparagement clause in her employment contract, on which there is still around$ 10 million outstanding. 一位接近雅虎的消息人士向《财富》透露,巴茨的雇佣合同里确实有非贬低条款,现在,雅虎还有1000万美元遣散费尚未支付。
It's usual to explicitly set the model to use as the source for the query, unless otherwise specified with a FROM clause in the RDQL itself. 通常直接设置模型用作查询的源,除非在RDQL中使用FROM子句指定了其他的源。
A final source of congressional power is the spending clause. 国会权力的最后一条来源是经费条款。